Wednesday 9 October 2013

Drawings in Patent

Patent is the individual right of the person given by the government for his unique invention in field like if someone has invent some chemical formula, invention of any new machinery part, invention of machine etc. It is the copyright of an individual to use it in any way. There is a limited time for which an individual can use it after the limited time period it can be used by anyone in the market. The limited time period is 20 yrs. There is also some fees of maintenance of the patent which you have to give for 20 yrs.
Today there are many techniques of making drawings but they also need some basic knowledge to use them. Line drawing is the simplest way to make the Patent Drawings but it is not as easy as it sounds. There are some crucial points where one needs to be very careful like in some curved figures, where the edges are round. Someone who does not know the art of drawing cannot make drawings by himself. He should have the proper knowledge of drawing. Making drawings is not everybody’s cup of tea.  Inventors should concentrate on their work rather than the drawings. They should make the drawings from the professional draftsman. They should not let their time go waste in making these drawings. They make your drawings in a less time and will make drawings efficiently. If your drawings are not proper or insufficient then your application may be rejected or patent officials can give you three months time to re-submit the drawings and within a stipulated period you have to submit these drawings. If you do not want any delay in getting a patent then you should submit all the documents properly especially drawings.
Patent Illustration is very important for getting a patent because they describe the invention more clearly than the theoretical part. In the biological inventions, medical devices, invention of new machine part drawings can explain better the whole invention. Drawings can hide any missing part if it is left accidentally. So you should hire some professional expert to make these drawings.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Professional Patent Illustrators in India

A patent is an intellectual property of an individual for his new invention. Therefore it is very important and often complicated legal matter across the world including India. It is given to an individual for his unique invention.  After getting the patent license he can use it in the way the he wants. In India it is very difficult to get a patent for an application. To get a patent for an invention one should follow some rules of the government. If anything is improper your application can be cancelled. Even small mistake can led to the rejection of the application. You should be very careful in submitting all the documents of your invention. Mostly inventors prepare all the documents in detail about their invention except patent drawings. As drawings is also an important part of the application. Many applications are rejected due to the lack of knowledge about drawings among the inventors. Moreover these drawings are very complicated everyone cannot make himself. This has resulted in the increase of many patent illustrators in India. Inventors who do not know about drawings they hire these illustrators for making these drawings. As Patent Illustrations are of great importance one should hire illustrator to make these drawings. These drawings should be very accurate and made according to the rules given by the government. If you are facing any difficulty in making the drawings you should immediately contact the professional expert who knows about drawings very well.  As they are very experienced people you must handle your drawings to them.
If you want to make drawings by yourself there are various techniques available like you can use computer in which there are many softwares. The easiest way to make drawings is using line drawing. Patent Line Drawings is very helpful for those who are making drawings for the first time. But you need to be very careful in making these drawings as there are many crucial points in drawings where you need to take some knowledge from experienced people.  Drawings play a very important role in getting a patent so you must hire some professional to make these drawings. Do not lose patent for such drawings only. You should not let your hard work in vain. After all it is a valuable property for you.

Thursday 25 July 2013

Different methods to make Patent Drawings

A patent is an exclusionary grant of intellectual property rights, awarded by the government through a patent office for a limited period of time. The right is given by the government for an individual invention, which is not done by the other person before. It is the monopoly of an individual which is used by him in any way. The time limit for the use of patent is 20 years starting from the date on which the application for the patent was filed, after which it is used or sell by anybody. It is safest property of an individual. Everyone who invents a new process, machine part, chemical formula, new research in biology etc. should get the patent of his invention so that it is not stolen by other person.
People who file their application for patent should be careful that the invention is not already done.  The invention should be done for the first time. If the invention has already been done then your application will be rejected.  Three things are required by the person while submitting application that are: it must be a novel, relevant Patent Drawings and the subject matter must be in detail. If any document is missing, then you will not be able to get a patent. Drawings are of different types like: Mechanical drawings, drawings of medical devices, drawings used in biotechnological field etc. You can make these drawings own your own through various methods like: drawings from scanned images, by making flow charts, complex graphs, line drawings, by sketching, by taking photographs etc. Line drawings are those which consist of straight and curved lines placed against a background, to represent two dimensional or three dimensional images. It is the most fundamental art of drawing. In making the line drawings you can use lines colors, shading and textures. Dots can also be used in addition to lines. These drawings should be made with a pencil and should be made on the white paper. It is easier to erase the drawings with a pencil rather than a pen.
You make these drawings own your own if and only if you are good in making drawings. Some people thought of saving money by making drawings themselves. This can be both beneficial as well as can act as throne in getting a patent of your application if your drawings are not proper or insufficient drawings. So one should hire a technical expert who can make your drawings efficiently, as Patent illustration is equally important as other documents.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Does investing in professional patent drawing services make sense?

Patent Illustrations are wonderful for a patent application, but they don’t always do the invention justice if you are trying to capture the attention of a prospective licensee, or if you are trying to convince a buyer to place orders or sell the invention in their store.
Patent Illustrations and other types of invention drawings, such as 3D renderings and photo realistic virtual prototypes serve different purposes.  These drawings are done by using different techniques like by using Auto CAD software, by taking photographs, solidwork files and drawings from rough sketches.
CAD (computer-aided drafting or design) is a software used by inventors, architects, and other design professionals to visualize inventions, products, tools, machinery, and other devices. CAD programs provide a way of modeling these products in 2D or 3D perspectives. Modern CAD software is easy to use. It produces accurate drawings. A CAD program will enable us to construct an accurate, three dimensional (3D) representation model of the presentation model within the computer. A 3D model is typically built by using and modifying basic geometric building blocks, such as boxes, cylinders, planes, and custom-defined shapes.
Photographs or photomicrographs are acceptable as formal drawings in utility applications if they are used to show fine and irregular or natural structures that are not capable of being illustrated with black line Patent Drawings - for example, electrophoresis gels, blots, autoradiographs, cell cultures, histological tissue cross sections, animals, plants, in vivo imaging, thin layer chromatography plates, metallurgical microstructures, textiles, and crystalline structures. Photography cannot be used for illustrating non tangible inventions and graphical representations, such as schematic diagrams, charts, etc. In design applications, acceptable photographs include those that show subtle ornamental effects. We use a digital camera and 35 mm film camera. A photograph can be converted into a line drawing by putting a piece of paper of it and tracing it with pencil or, by scanning it into a computer and tracing it with a CAD program. 
The quick pen or pencil sketches allow the designer to try out several ideas and zero in on the most likely layouts before beginning a project. We make rough sketches of the images and show it to the customer. Please click HERE to Order your Patent Drawings & Illustrations.